For this exhibition, editor Izet Sheshivari was invited to present the integrality of Boabooks’ publications. As part of the collaborative process, a selection of the gallery’s artists’ books were also featured, with a particular emphasis on Franz Erhard Walther.
Most of the publications were available for sale. With propositions by Pierre-Olivier Arnaud, Silvia Bächli & Eric Hattan, Francis Baudevin, Erik Bulatov, Jean Crotti, Pierre André Ferrand, Franz Gertsch, Alex Hanimann, Thomas Huber, Alain Huck, Robert Ireland, Jean-Luc Manz, Claudio Moser, Olivier Mosset, Christoph Rütimann, Hinrich Sachs, Pierre Schwerzmann, Marion Tampon-Lajarriette and Franz Erhard Walther.
During the exhibition, several artists were invited to discuss their editorial experiences or present readings. Fabienne Radi, Izet Sheshivari, Thomas Huber, Pierre Schwerzmann, Pierre-Olivier Arnaud and Estéban Pages all participated in these events.
Pierre Schwerzmann, Boabooks, 23.8 × 29.8 cm, 172 pages, 72 illustrations, ISBN 978 2 940409 23 5
Photo Credits: Izet Sheshivari
Concept and graphic design: Pierre Schwerzmann, Izet Sheshivari, Olivier Weber.
Texts: Thomas Huber, Marco Costantini, Catherine Othenin-Girard.
French translation: Katia Schwerzmann ; English translation : Sorin Pacurariu.
Photographs: Rebecca Fanuele, Gérald Friedli, Georg Rehsteiner, Claire Schwerzmann.
The book benefits from the support of the Swiss Pro Helvetia Foundation for Culture and was
realized with the help of the Ville de Nyon, the Foundation pour les Arts et la Culture Nyon and the
Canton de Vaud.