Alex Hanimann
Alex Hanimann was born in Mörschwill, Switzerland, in 1955. He lives and works in St. Gallen.
Alex Hanimann was born in Mörschwill, Switzerland, in 1955. He lives and works in St. Gallen.
Alex Hanimann is a collector and encyclopedist. On one hand, he exposes himself to the flood of images and texts that comes over us daily. On the other hand, he tries to grasp this abundance of references analytically and to bring a structure into it. To do this, he draws or redraws, sketches and copies whatever images he can find in our diverse media world. This transformation is often associated with simplification or abstraction.
In doing so, Hanimann places his work at the interface between existential cipher and anonymous sign, between representation and reality. Consequently, Hanimann has gathered together a huge fund of visual material, a personal archive that has grown since into an almost unmanageable continent.
— Courtesy Hilar Stadler
Indian ink on paper
123,5 x 126 cm
Indian ink on paper
74 x 106 cm
Neon light
23 x 195 cm
Indian ink on paper
74 x 106 cm
Indian ink on paper
66 x 89 cm
Indian ink on paper
89 x 66 cm
Indian ink on paper
121 x 156 cm
Indian ink on paper
121 x 156 cm
Indian ink on paper
81,5 x 113,5 cm (framed)
Indian ink on paper
123 x 123 cm (framed)
Indian ink on paper
74 x 106 cm
Indian ink on paper
73.5 x 64,5 cm, each
Indian ink on paper
74 x 106 cm
Indian ink on paper
121 x 141 cm
Indian ink on paper
74 x 106 cm
Indian ink on paper
74 x 106 cm
Indian ink on paper
121 x 156 cm
Lorenzo Benedetti, “Imago Mundi”, 2019 (English)
Patrick Frey, “Hasengeister, Hirschgesichte, Fuchsphantasmen”, 2019 (German)
Interview by Hans Ulrich Obrist, 2018 (English)
Hans Rudolf Reust, « In Animal’s Eyes – Approaches to a trap », 2018 (English)
Hans Rudolf Reust, “Im Blick von Tieren – Annäherungen an eine Falle”, 2018 (German)
Albena Yaneva, « Birds Make Cages for Humans », 2004 (English)
Albena Yaneva, « Vögel stellen Menschen Fallen », 2004 (German)
Lorenzo Benedetti, Marion Strunk, Stephen Kunz, et al.
Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Cologne, 2022
ISBN 978-3-86442-344-4
Lorenzo Benedetti, Rolf Hengesbach, Hans Ulrich Obrist, et al.
Editions Patrick Frey, Zürich, 2019
ISBN 978-3-906803-84-5
Madeleine Schuppli, Stephan Kunz, Irène Buffat, et al.
Verlag für moderne Kunst, Nuremberg, 2009
ISBN 978-3-941185-13-5